Saturday 29 December 2012

Love Actually, Actually.

As I watch this film (that in more frivolous years I loved) with one eye, whilst I catch up with a few things online, I couldn't help but think about what Hugh Grant (erm...The Prime Minister) says at the beginning of the film.

That really Love is all around...

My family.

My friend that got married this year and couldn't be more loved up.

My other friend that got married this year and is so happy enjoying her first christmas together with her husband.

Two colleagues that celebrated a year of being together today.

A colleague that has just moved into a really nice house with her children after a difficult year in a bad flat.

A colleague that recently got engaged and three other colleagues that are marrying in 2013.

Two colleagues that happily moved in together.

Friends and family that have celebrated 25, 30, 40 and 50 years of marriage.

So despite all the hard and difficult things that we all face (and those that I love and care for have faced too much of that this year) it is still there if you look for it and I am grateful to still be able to see it. 

image from google images

Come on 2013, what nice things, what lovely things do you have for us?


  1. That's a lovely post, Jennie. And I whole heartedly agree. Even though times came get rough, we have to look beyond that and see life for what it is. We celebrated a special anniversary this year, as did my daughter. And while we didn't have all the weddings and celebrations that you did, it is wonderful to marvel at all the close relationships that exist and to treasure those that we have and share. We do have a wedding next year to look forward to and my 3 granddaughters are to be bridesmaids. Can't wait!
    Love Actually is one of my favourite films, one I can watch over and over. I have the film on DVD so may catch up over the holiday. I've really enjoyed chilling out and watching films on TV. One of my non-guilty pleasures!
    I hope 2013 has some wonderful things in store for you and those you love and care about x

  2. Yes, you're quite right, love is everywhere and I'm sure that when the time is right, you and a special someone will be sharing their first Christmas together but in the meantime, I hope the New Year brings you lots of happiness just as you give to others.

    I also love the film:)

  3. What a lovely post, Jen. I have seen Love Actually more times than you can count on 2 hands (and probably 2 feet, lol), but I still enjoy watching it because it is so refreshing.
    Love is a good thing to believe in, and not just love between couples, friendship is also such a marvelous thing !. xxx

  4. I love the "up-ness" of this post! and I'm hoping that 2013 has plenty of everything that you love for you and yours. Happy New Year!

  5. What a cheering and positive post to read at this time of day and at this time of year! Wishing you and your family every happiness that comes of being with friends and family you love ...


Aren't you lovely, you have made me smile =)