I changed my mind twice about how I was going to do project life this year, one of which I shared with you here about simplifying as I got started on the new year. It was an ok plan, but only ok. I was not as thrilled with it as I was last year. Now I guess that was to be expected, new things are shiny, new ways of working can be invigorating and when you repeat something it can feel stale.
So I was thinking about it a lot in early february and as I was contemplating it a couple of things happened to add to my need/want to change things.
1. The online store where I buy my albums sold out of the colour album I was using for project life.
I was using WRMK Albums in Aqua for project life and in Vanilla for my 12x12's. (I can wholeheartedly recommend The Craftz Boutique for speed and service. They totally don't know I am posting this, I am in no way affiliated with them, I just love their service)
So I did a very dramatic thing that had me battling all my ocd tendencies and I put. it. in. the. 12 x 12 layout album. which. is. a. different. colour. Well, I quite liked it.
2. Shimelle posted this Glitter Girl video about using fabric and I was so drawn to the fact she made a double spread using one side in a divided page protector. So I thought about it a lot more.
So, I thought I would put all sizes of scrapping that is current and chronological (pretty much all the scrapping I like to do) and put it together in one project life album. That got me thinking about how to do it and I spent a lovely evening putting it together in a fashion that I could work with.
The last thing that happened was watching my friend Laura on our scrapbooking retreat a few weeks ago and her super-scrapper style. She is more planned and organised than me, that made me sit up.
What? "I am not the most planned and organised scrapper", my competitive side thought, I can do that, why didn't I think of that? And...
What? I can plan my future scrapping the same way I plan any other project, well duh. I mean, duh, duh, du-duh.
I mean I think about my future scrapping, I buy Ali's outer clothes in mainly navy-blue so he is easy to scrap with. Of course, remember the red body-warmer disaster of autumn/spring 2010? No? Well I was just a beginner ;)
But, I could also plan out pages in the album as I do any individual pockets of divided page protectors for a weekly spread.
I went back to Shimelle again, I took her Cover to Cover class a while ago to overcome my fear of putting layouts in albums (what? How could I be that same person? I adore putting them away now nice and safely) and I found it really helpful, but at the point that I took the class it just didn't click (obviously getting work in an album was a stretch at that point!). I didn't get any further with my own ideas and just plodded on with project life in one album and everything else in another.
So now it will be pre-2012 in one set of albums in as near chronological order as I can get. I was a scatter-scrapper then. Then 2012 in 4 albums, 2 x project life and 2 x 12x12s (which I might go back and amalgamate, but probably not, it is what it is). Then 2013 all together going forward. Phew, did you get all that?
So, what next? I have a blog post with a video that I am preparing to show you looking through the album for the first quarter of the year. I am also preparing a post with some detail as to how I record our life and then how I transfer that to the album. There is so much inspiration out there as to how to do this project and I love looking at their projects and take some of their ideas and make them my own. I thought I would share how I have taken it for anyone thinking of doing it and not quite sure how to start.
I would love to hear any questions you have about this and also any suggestions for me to include about the whole process. Please leave them in the comments or if it is easier please email me at jenniedothart@medotcom :)
Can't wait :)