Friday, 21 April 2017

Week In The Life 2017 | Friday

6am = Shower, Coffee, Finish up blogging yesterdays photos.

I didn't have much get up and go this morning.
7am = Get ready and go.

Vaguely less horrifying after make-up.
8am = Walk across the bridge
Beautiful river mist.
9am = Payroll
Coding everyones clocking exceptions
10am = Payroll
Completing a few rotas as best I can, there are a few uncertainties that I won't be able to nail down until next week.
11am = Payroll
Checking that I am within what I forecast to spend. My labelled calculator cracks people up and I get a lot of stick, but I got it in 2007 so it has done the trick lol
12pm = Walk outside for some fresh air

My office has no windows and it was a fun but challenging day and so I needed a breather.
2pm = Team meeting
Just chatting and socialising really, which is massively important in the scheme of things.
4pm = One-to-one meeting
Helping one of my colleagues more in depth.
4:30pm = Leave work
Back over the bridge.
5:15pm = Home
Listen to This American Life podcast in the car.
5:30 = Beauty & The Beast

I knew if I waited long enough they would move the movie into the armchair cinema. Actually I just really haven't had the time to go before. I went on my own as no-one else was wanting to see it. I loved it. The costumes the most. I can see fashion bunnies wearing old-fashioned pinafore dresses and floral wedding dresses next year!

8pm = Bump into Kerry (so good to see her and get a hug) and collect Alex from Church Club. The biscuits were not good this week apparently.
9pm = Bubble Bath and an episode of Breaking Bad
I am late to this serial and have been savouring the chance to get stuck in. It is sooo good but almost unbearable, do you know what I mean?
10pm = Blogging & Bed
There have been a fair few photos on the week in the life Facebook group of week in the lifers reading Ali's week in the life, dubbed #witlmatrix. I want to remember that, it made me chuckle.
I haven't felt in the moment today as fridays are always a bit of a day at work and I always work on a friday unless I am on holiday. I am going to see what else I want to capture this week and try and get that tomorrow.

Friday Done 


  1. Love ❤️ always, love your style of writing, hugs Sarah xx

  2. Glad you enjoyed the glad you enjoyed the film, I'm not a film person but have heard it's costumes are lovely. xx

  3. liking the sound of an armchair cinema but er, how does one stay awake?


Aren't you lovely, you have made me smile =)