Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Week In The Life 2016 Monday Photos

Dusts off the blog, ignores the cobwebs and starts typing...

Walk up to the top of the Torrs to see the bluebells and more importantly the sea.
I love how it feels to be up there while the town wakes up.

The view from the kitchen as I get my breakfast smoothie ready.
I love how it feels to be organised.
Dropping off Alex to his first SAT test (school have arranged for a breakfast club, he reported later that the croissant was ok but the yoghurt and granola wasn't great).
I love how it feels to care so deeply about someone else's day.

Work for me on a monday is generally the same. I manage an express store for a large supermarket chain and part of my accountabilities is to keep us trading safely, legally and compliantly. So, on a monday I check where we are for the coming week and how we did last week. 
I love how it feels to share our successes on our private facebook group. I love how it feels that as a team we are now having lots of successes.

Commute home listening to Chief Inspector Gamache.
I love how much I enjoy and learn listening to audio books and podcasts. 
I chop and saute the veg for a coconut curry and put it to simmer.
I love coconut curry.

A walk down to the sea and round the Capstone Hill to nail our 10000 steps.
I love our seaside.

Eat dinner and chat to Alex about his test. He says he is fine (and he seems ok) but he said he cried when he came out. I reiterate to him that they aren't important in the scheme of things. He says he knows.
I love that even though I have feelings that make me want to jump up and down and scream, I can keep calm and show him what he needs to see.

Bed and sleep as I am up at 4am.

A good day Monday 


  1. You are an inspiration Jen and you write so beautifully. I was almost up there with you on the torrs - your garden is looking lovely and I love what you wrote here, especially your attitude. This blog post was a lovely treat - more please.

    1. Thank you Maria, that is so kind. I am hoping to record the whole week here but we will see :)

  2. Ditto Maria's comments.
    Poor Alex, he shouldn't be made to feel like this.
    Lovely reading Jen and it's a shame that you don't get the chance to blog more often ��

    1. Thank you Susi. I really miss blogging but I don't need to tell you it has to be last on the list of stuff to do :)

  3. Wow! Such n inspiring post - love it Jen.
    Sue x

  4. Great blog post, it's a hard job being a mum & keeping things I perspective. You are doing a great job xxxx


Aren't you lovely, you have made me smile =)